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Author: Ropars (Loeiz)
Reference: G-00233
Lastname: ROPARS
Firstname: Loeiz
Variants of name: Roparz (Loeiz)
List of books published for this author: (6 books)
Disque 33 tours, A-bouez-penn, 1979
Disque 33 tours, Rimodell ha kanaouenn, s.d.
Disque 45 tours, Kan ha diskan, 1963
K7 Rimodell ha kanaouenn, s.d. ; livret, 1991
Kan ha diskan - Gavottes de Bretagne, Cercle Celtique de Poullaouen, 1958
Kan ha diskan, 1979.
No article listed for this author.
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