Songs of oral tradition in the Breton language
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Characteristics of the song

Reference: M-03016
Critical Breton title: Evit ar gerent eo gwelloc’h dimeziñ hervez madoù eget hervez karantez
Critical French title: Les parents préfèrent le mariage d’argent au mariage d’amour
Critical English title: Parents prefer a money marriage to a love marriage

Themes: Social class difference, wealth, defects

Versions (1 version, 2 occurrences )


  • Others Oral Tradition songs in breton
    • Motif : « Pères et mères qui mariez vos enfants, vous commettez un grand péché de réunir deux personnes qui ne s’aiment pas. »
      Ur pec’hed eo, tadoù ha mammoù (ref. M-00845)

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