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Characteristics of the song
Reference: M-02098
Critical Breton title: Ar c’hi bihan a son bombard
Critical French title: Le petit chien qui sonne de la bombarde
Critical English title: The little dog that plays the bombard
La nuit est sombre, il pleut, je vais dormir dans la niche du chien. Le petit chien n’est pas content, il va sonner de la bombarde au coin du four. Il sonnait si bien que c’était la plus belle chose sur terre. C’est le grand maitre de la paroisse qui l’a élevé avec sa chienne.
Themes: Adventures, gallantries, debauches ;
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(8 versions ,
17 occurrences
Performer: LE HÉNANFF Job Collect date: 1973Location of collect: Pluvigner (Pleuwigner , 56)Collector: LE DIBERDER Yves Performer: GUILLERM Loeiz Collect date: 1911-10-08Location of collect: Landévant (Landevan , 56)Collector: LAURENT Donatien Collect date: 1959Location of collect: Auray (An Alre , 56) [Sainte-Anne]Collector: BULÉON Jérôme Collect date: Before 1946Location of collect: Pays Vannetais (Bro-Gwened )Collector: BULÉON Mathurin Performer: KALONEK Joseph Collect date: Before 1929Location of collect: Pluvigner (Pleuwigner , 56)
Version 5a:
Tioél en noz ha glaù e hra…
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: TextBook: Ensemble de 36 cahiers, carnets, recueils de partitions, 1902-1929. Position in book: 06-Cahier-Kalonek, p. 24
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Version 5b:
Tioél en noz ha glaù e hra…
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: Music notationBook: Ensemble de 36 cahiers, carnets, recueils de partitions, 1902-1929. Position in book: 14-Carnet-Carré-Vert, p. 42, chant 33
Version 5c:
Tioél en noz ha glaù e hra…
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: Music notationBook: Ensemble de 36 cahiers, carnets, recueils de partitions, 1902-1929. Position in book: 16-1-Grand-Registre, p. 17 [2], chant 33
Version 5d:
Tioél en noz ha glaù e hra…
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: Music notationBook: Ensemble de 36 cahiers, carnets, recueils de partitions, 1902-1929. Position in book: 20-12-Cahier-Musique, p. 15-5 [2]
Version 5e:
Tihoél en noz / La nuit est sombre
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: Music notationBook: Chansons traditionnelles du pays vannetais (Début 20e siècle), 2012 Position in book: p. 206 [1] Listen to the score
Collector: BULÉON Mathurin Collect date: Before 1929Location of collect: Pays Vannetais (Bro-Gwened )Collector: BULÉON Mathurin Collect date: Before 1929Location of collect: Pays Vannetais (Bro-Gwened )
Version 7a:
Ha oeit er hi é lein er forn…
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: Music notationBook: Ensemble de 36 cahiers, carnets, recueils de partitions, 1902-1929. Position in book: 17-4-Partitions-LeGal, p. 13 [1], chant 56
Version 7b:
Ha oeit er hi é lein er forn…
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: Music notationBook: Ensemble de 36 cahiers, carnets, recueils de partitions, 1902-1929. Position in book: 20-12-Cahier-Musique, p. 18 [1]
Version 7c:
Tihoél en noz / La nuit est sombre
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: FragmentBook: Chansons traditionnelles du pays vannetais (Début 20e siècle), 2012 Position in book: p. 206 [3]
Collector: BULÉON Mathurin Performer: LE GAL (Mme LE ROUX) Jeanne-Louise Collect date: 1916-02-25Location of collect: Lanester (Lannarstêr , 56) Kergal-Plessis
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