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Characteristics of the song
Reference: M-00906
Critical Breton title: War bont an Naoned
Critical French title: Sur le pont de Nantes (Le plongeur)
Critical English title: On the bridge of Nantes (The diver)
Sur le pont de Nantes, je rencontre ma maîtresse qui pleurait, sa bague tombée dans la mer. – « Que me donneriez-vous, j’irais la chercher. » – « Cinquante écus de bon cœur. »
À la première plongée, le garçon n’a rien vu. À la deuxième, il a touché l’anneau. À la troisième, il était noyé.
Sa mère, à sa fenêtre, se lamente.
Dans le cimetière de Nantes, il a été enterré. Sur son cœur, une rose a poussé. Le roi des oiseaux s’y pose tous les jours. Les jeunes gens disent que c’est la rose du bonheur.
Themes: Trials to win love
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(37 versions ,
65 occurrences
Collector: GUILLERM Henri Performer: QUÉROUÉ Philomène Collect date: Before 1905Location of collect: Trégunc (Tregon , 29)Collector: AR CHANN Cheun Performer: AR C’HANN Bastian Collect date: 1935Location of collect: Hanvec (Hañveg , 29)Collector: BOURGAULT-DUCOUDRAY Louis-Albert Performer: PATIROU Marie Collect date: 1881Location of collect: Quimper (Kemper , 29) [Locmaria]
Version 3a:
War bont ann Naonet / Un jour sur le pont de Tréguier
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: Text, Music notationBook: Bourgault-Ducoudray (Louis-Albert), Trente mélodies populaires de Basse-Bretagne, 1885 Position in book: p. 32-38
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Version 3b:
Sur le pont de Tréguier
Language: Translation into French Type: Text, Music notationBook: L’art à l’école, Anthologie du chant scolaire et post-scolaire - Chansons populaires des provinces de France, 1re série, 2e fascicule, Bretagne, 1926 Position in book: 1re série, 2e fascicule, p. 8, chant n° 8Note: Adaptation François Coppée
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Version 3c:
Var bont an Naonet / Un jour sur le pont de Tréguier
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: Text, Music notationBook: Bourgault-Ducoudray (Louis-Albert), Trente mélodies populaires de Basse-Bretagne, 1931 Position in book: p. 14-15Note: Adaptation François Coppée
Version 3d:
War Bont Ann Naonet
Language: Breton Type: Music notationBook: Coupures de Presse non identifiées Position in book: F-04775, np 1, chant C-01989Note: F-04775 - Coupure de Presse - Courrier du Finistère ?
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Version 3e:
Pa oann war bont ann Naoned… / J’étais sur le pont de Nantes…
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: Text, Music notationBook: Canteloube (Joseph), Anthologie des chants populaires français,4 tomes, 1951 Position in book: Tome 4, p. 425-426 Listen to the score
Collector: BOURGEOIS Alfred Performer: MOULLEC Louis Collect date: 1894 ?Location of collect: Guerlesquin (Gwerliskin , 29)Collector: BOURGEOIS Alfred Performer: SALAÜN Noémie [Mlle] Collect date: Before 1904Location of collect: Roscoff (Rosko , 29)Collect date: Before 1884Location of collect: Morlaix (Montroulez , 29)Collector: GUILLERM Henri Collect date: Before 1909Location of collect: Quimper (Kemper , 29) [Locmaria]
Version 7:
Pa oan war bont ann Naonet… / Comme j’étais sur le pont de Nantes
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: Text, Music notationBook: Chansons de France (Les), 1907-1913 Position in book: 1909 - n° 9, p. 198
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Collector: DUHAMEL Maurice Performer: LE FLEM Maryvonne Collect date: Before 1913Location of collect: Port-Blanc (Porzh-Gwenn , 22)Collector: DUHAMEL Maurice Performer: TOULOUZAN Marie-Cynthe Collect date: Before 1913Location of collect: Port-Blanc (Porzh-Gwenn , 22)Collector: BOURGEOIS Alfred Collect date: Before 1913Location of collect: Trégor (Bro-Dreger )Collector: DUHAMEL Maurice Performer: CROCQ [Mme] Collect date: Before 1913Location of collect: Bohars (Boc’harzh , 29)Collector: GUICHOUX E. Performer: [Femme] Collect date: Before 1887Location of collect: Goulien (Goulien , 29), Pont-Croix (Pontekroaz , 29)
Version 12a:
Pa ouann war bord An Naonet… / Quand j’étais près de Nantes…
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: Text, Music notationBook: Mélusine, 1878-1912 Author of the article: Guichoux (E.) Position in book: 1886-1887 - Tome 3, col. 182-184 et col. 454, chant n° XII [1]
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Version 12b:
War bont an Naoned / Sur le pont de Nantes
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: Music notationBook: Duhamel (Maurice), Musiques bretonnes, 1913 Position in book: p. 171, chant n° 336
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Version 12c:
Pa oann war bord an Naonet… / Quand j’étais près de Nantes…
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: Text, Music notationBook: Canteloube (Joseph), Anthologie des chants populaires français,4 tomes, 1951 Position in book: Tome 4, p. 448-449 Listen to the score
Collector: DUHAMEL Maurice Performer: CAROF [M.] Collect date: Before 1913Location of collect: Morlaix (Montroulez , 29)Collector: LE DIBERDER Yves Performer: DANIEL Perrine Collect date: 1910-09-30Location of collect: Plouay (Ploue , 56), Pont-Scorff (Pont-Skorf , 56)
Version 14a:
Pe oen ar pont en Nanned…
Language: Breton Type: TextBook: Le Diberder (Yves), Manuscrits, Archives départementales du Morbihan Position in book: 8 - Plouay, p. 10 [np]
Version 14b:
P’oèn e Nânnet gùéeharal…
Language: Breton Type: Text, Music notationBook: Gilliouard (Édouard), Manuscrit, Chansons collectées par Le Diberder Position in book: 43-J-78, chant P n° 58, réf. P 80Note: Air emprunté par Gilliouard à une variante de Brest de la même chanson
Version 14c:
Ar bont en Nañned / Sur le pont de Nantes
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: TextBook: Le Diberder (Yves), Chansons traditionnelles du pays vannetais (1910-1915), 2011 Position in book: Tome 2, p. 651
Collector: PENGUERN (DE) Jean-Marie Performer: KERGUIDUFF Jannet Collect date: 1850-12-23Location of collect: Taulé (Taole , 29)
Version 15a:
Ar pont a Naonnet
Language: Breton Type: TextBook: Penguern (Jean-Marie de), Manuscrits, N. 89 à N. 95, N.111, N. 112, Bibliothèque nationale Position in book: Ms 89, f° 31 verso-32 verso, chant n° 11
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Version 15b:
Ar pont a Naonet / Le pont de Nantes
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: TextBook: Mélusine, 1878-1912 Author of the article: Ernault (Émile) Position in book: 1886-1887 - Tome 3, col. 453-455, chant n° XIV
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Version 15c:
Ar pont a Naonnet
Language: Breton Type: TextBook: Ollivier (Joseph), Manuscrits 974 à 977, Copie des Manuscrits Penguern Position in book: Ms 975, p. 27-28, chant n° 11
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Version 15d:
War pont a Naonet
Language: Breton Type: TextBook: Gwerin, 1961-1997 Author of the article: Elies (Fañch] , Le Floc’h (Loeiz) Position in book: 1963 - Tome 4, p. 29-31, chant n° 10
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Collector: LARBOULETTE Jean-Louis Collect date: Before 1905Location of collect: Plouhinec [56] (Pleheneg , 56) (?)
Version 16a:
P’oen ar bont en Nañned…
Language: Breton Type: Text, Music notationBook: Larboulette (Jean-Louis), Manuscrit Position in book: Cahier 1, f° 52-53, chant n° 29
Version 16b:
P’oen ar bont en Nañned… / Quand j’étais sur le pont de Nantes…
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: Text, Music notationBook: Larboulette (Jean-Louis), Chants traditionnels vannetais 1902-1905, 2005 Position in book: Livre, p. 74-75
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Version 16c:
P’oen ar bont en Nañned…
Language: Breton Type: Fragment, Music notationBook: Larboulette (Jean-Louis), Chants traditionnels vannetais 1902-1905, 2005 Position in book: CD 1, chant 29Note: Réinterprétation : LE HUNSEC Sofi Book to listen
Collector: LARBOULETTE Jean-Louis Performer: ER BRAZ Loeiz Collect date: Before 1905Location of collect: Pontivy (Pondi , 56) (Pays de)
Version 17a:
Ur sul mitin…
Language: Breton Type: Text, Music notationBook: Larboulette (Jean-Louis), Manuscrit Position in book: Cahier 2, f° 98-99
Version 17b:
Ur sul mitin… / Un dimanche matin…
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: Text, Music notationBook: Larboulette (Jean-Louis), Chants traditionnels vannetais 1902-1905, 2005 Position in book: Livre, p. 188-189
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Version 17c:
Ur sul mitin…
Language: Breton Type: Text, Music notationBook: Larboulette (Jean-Louis), Chants traditionnels vannetais 1902-1905, 2005 Position in book: CD 2, chant 16Note: Réinterprétation : ER BRAZ Loeiz Book to listen
Collector: DUHAMEL Maurice Collect date: Around 1910Location of collect: Pays Vannetais (Bro-Gwened )Collector: DUHAMEL Maurice , LE DIBERDER Yves Collect date: Around 1910Location of collect: Belz (Belz , 56)Collector: LE DIBERDER Yves , GILLIOUARD Édouard Collect date: Around 1913Location of collect: Pays Vannetais (Bro-Gwened )Collector: GILLIOUARD Édouard Collect date: Around 1913Location of collect: Belz (Belz , 56)Collector: LUZEL François-Marie Collect date: Before 1895Location of collect: Trégor (Bro-Dreger )Collector: LUZEL François-Marie Performer: KERGUIDUFF Jannet Collect date: 1850Location of collect: Taulé (Taole , 29)Collector: ERNAULT Émile Collect date: Before 1887Location of collect: Trégor (Bro-Dreger ) [Petit-Tréguier]
Version 24:
Pa ouann war pont An Naonnet… / Quand j’étais sur le pont de Nantes…
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: FragmentBook: Mélusine, 1878-1912 Author of the article: Ernault (Émile) Position in book: 1886-1887 - Tome 3, col. 183-184, chant n° XII [2]
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Collector: LE TROADEC Ifig Performer: GENTIL (née ROVERCH) Marie Collect date: 1981-07Location of collect: Troguéry (Trogeri , 22)Collector: LE TROADEC Ifig , LE TROADEC Nanda Performer: GEFFROY (Mme LE GOFF, Mme QUÉRÉ) Yvonne Collect date: 1980-03Location of collect: Plounérin (Plounerin , 22)Collector: LE TROADEC Ifig , LE TROADEC Nanda Performer: LE BONNIEC (Mme RIOU) Louise Collect date: 1979-10Location of collect: Pluzunet (Plûned , 22)Location of collect: Basse-Bretagne (Breizh-Izel )Location of collect: Hôpital-Camfrout (An Ospital , 29)
Version 29:
Pa oan var bont an Naonet
Language: Breton Type: Text, Music notationBook: Coupures de Presse non identifiées Position in book: F-01642, np 1, chant C-01989Note: F-01642 - Coupure de Presse non identifiée
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Location of collect: Finistère (Penn-ar-Bed )
Version 30:
War bont ann Naoned / Un jour sur le pont de Tréguier
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: TextBook: Coupures de Presse non identifiées Position in book: F-04776, np 1, chant C-01989Note: F-04776 - Coupure de Presse - Courrier du Finistère ?
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Collect date: 1913Location of collect: Châteauneuf-du-Faou (Kastell-Nevez-ar-Faou , 29)Collector: CONQ Augustin [Abbé] Collect date: Before 1931Location of collect: Brest (Brest , 29)Collector: BULÉON Mathurin Performer: KALONEK Joseph Collect date: Before 1929Location of collect: Pluvigner (Pleuwigner , 56)Collector: BULÉON Mathurin Performer: [Personne originaire de Pluvigner] Collect date: 1902Location of collect: Séné (Sine , 56)
Version 34a:
Ur sul vitin a pe saùen, jiboes er gad é hen…
Language: Breton Type: Text, Music notationBook: Buléon (Mathurin), Ensemble de 36 cahiers, carnets, recueils de partitions, 1902-1929. Position in book: 14-Carnet-Carré-Vert, p. 58-59, chant 40
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Version 34b:
Ur sul vitin a pe saùen, jiboes er gad é hen…
Language: Breton Type: Music notationBook: Buléon (Mathurin), Ensemble de 36 cahiers, carnets, recueils de partitions, 1902-1929. Position in book: 16-1-Grand-Registre, p. 7 [3], chant 42
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Version 34c:
Er galant beuet / Le galant noyé
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: Text, Music notationBook: Buléon (Mathurin), Chansons traditionnelles du pays vannetais (Début 20e siècle), 2012 Position in book: p. 264 Listen to the score
Collector: BULÉON Mathurin Performer: AMICIE Collect date: 1912-06-09Location of collect: Le Faouët [56] (Ar Faoued , 56)
Version 35a:
Pe oen ar bont en Nañned...
Language: Breton Type: Music notationBook: Buléon (Mathurin), Ensemble de 36 cahiers, carnets, recueils de partitions, 1902-1929. Position in book: 05-Cahier-Amicie, p. 4
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Version 35b:
Pe oen ar bont en Nañned...
Language: Breton Type: TextBook: Buléon (Mathurin), Ensemble de 36 cahiers, carnets, recueils de partitions, 1902-1929. Position in book: 13-Cahier-Amicie, p. 6
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Version 35c:
Er galant beuet / Le galant noyé
Language: Breton, Translation into French Type: Text, Music notationBook: Buléon (Mathurin), Chansons traditionnelles du pays vannetais (Début 20e siècle), 2012 Position in book: p. 265 [1] Listen to the score
Collector: BULÉON Mathurin Performer: AMICIE Collect date: 1912-06-09Location of collect: Le Faouët [56] (Ar Faoued , 56)Collector: NORET [Mme] Collect date: 1906-08-03Location of collect: Ouessant (Eusa , 29)
Other interpretations
(8 occurrences)
Performer: GOURVIL Fañch Collect date: Before 1932Location of collect: Basse-Bretagne (Breizh-Izel ) Title: Sur le pont de Tréguier
Language: Breton Book: Fanch (Alan), Disque 78 tours, [Sans Titre], 1932 78 rpm disc to listen Performer: MOAL Francis , SELLERS Georges (Accordéon) Collect date: Before 1934Location of collect: Basse-Bretagne (Breizh-Izel ) Title: Son ar pinard
Language: Breton Book: Moal (Francis), Disque 78 tours, [Sans Titre], 1934 78 rpm disc to listen Performer: PHILIPPE Jef (Chant et Guitare) Collect date: Before 1969Location of collect: Basse-Bretagne (Breizh-Izel ) Title: War bont an Naoned / Sur le pont de Nantes
Language: Breton Book: Philippe (Jef), Disque 33 tours 25 cm, Jef Philippe et sa guitare, 1969 33 rpm disc to listen Performer: PERRIN Robert , PONDAVEN Gérard (Orgue, Piano, Orgue éléctronique) Collect date: Before 1958Location of collect: Basse-Bretagne (Breizh-Izel ) Title: War bont an Naoned / Sur le pont de Nantes
Language: Breton Book: Pondaven (Gérard), Disque 45 tours, Chansons et mélodies de Bretagne, 1958 45 rpm disc to listen Performer: LE TROADEC Ifig (Chant, Clarinette) , MALRIEU Goulc’hen (Clarinette) , LASBLEIZ Bernard (Chant, Accordéon Diatonique) Collect date: Before 1991Location of collect: Trégor (Bro-Dreger ) Title: Deus a gostez Treger / Du côté de Tréguier
Language: Breton Use: Danse (Scottish) Book: Dastum, K7 Chanteurs et musiciens de Bretagne, n° 5, Clarinettes et anciennes danses populaires du Trégor, 1991 Tape to listen Collector: LE FLOC’H Louis Performer: NIGNOL Christiane , MÉVEL - LE TREUT Françoise (Accordéon diatonique) , NIGNOL Jean-Yves (Bombarde, Accordéon Diatonique) Collect date: 1935Location of collect: Guerlesquin (Gwerliskin , 29) Title: P’edon war bont an Naoned / Quand j’étais sur le pont de Nantes
Language: Breton, Translation into French Use: Marche Type: TextBook: Nignol (Christiane), CD, A greiz-kalon, Tud Bro Dreger 2, 2009 Position in book: p. 7-8, chant 1Note: Bernard Lasbleiz, Tonioù a blij din, p 95
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CD to listen Performer: LE LOUARN Serge , THOMAS Louis Collect date: Before 2012Location of collect: Léon (Bro-Leon ) Title: War bont an Naoned / Sur le pont de Nantes
Language: Breton, Translation into French Use: Danse (Rond de Landéda) Type: TextBook: Le Louarn (Serge), CD, War hent ar festoù-noz, Tud Bro Dreger 3, 2012 Position in book: p. 18-19, chant 6
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CD to listen Performer: Trio KSL , BOUGUENNEC Maurice , LE BERRE Auguste , PINCEMIN Raymond Collect date: Before 2016Location of collect: Plouézoch (Plouezoc’h , 29) Title: War bont an Naoned / Sur le pont de Nantes
Language: Breton, Translation into French Use: Danse (Tourbillon du Dourduff) Type: TextBook: Trio KSL, CD, Disul d’an abardaez, Tud Bro Dreger 5, 2016 Position in book: p. 21-22, chant 11Note: Ce texte bien connu a été adapté par Maurice BOUGUENNEC et le Trio KSL
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Feuilles Volantes Oral Tradition in french
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